Nazri Aziz warns Umno leaders not to overstep the mark in pushing for GE15 this year

“Don’t make it seem like Umno is the one giving pressure to the government, or seen as attempting to topple the government whose prime minister is from Umno itself.

(MMO) – Padang Rengas MP Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz reminded Umno leaders to not overstep their authority in pushing for the 15th general election (GE15) to be held this year.

Mohamed Nazri noted that the authority to dissolve Parliament was vested in the King as it is His Majesty’s discretion to either reject or accept the prime minister’s advice to do so.

“Our Constitution is not like that, it is up to the discretion of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as His Majesty has the right to reject the prime minister’s advice on grounds of the ongoing pandemic and unstable economic conditions.

“We must not insist and pressure His Majesty. If we are insistent, it is as if we are dragging His Majesty into the political domain of the country,” he was quoted as saying by Astro Awani.

While he did not name anyone, it is understood that Mohamed Nazri was referring to Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan’s opening speech yesterday during the Umno General Assembly, in which the latter called for GE15 this year, saying Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) should “strike at enemies when they are weak”.

Mohamad said this year would be the right time to call for GE15, as the voting patterns of recent state elections suggested BN — a coalition where Umno is chief — could win big.

Mohamed Nazri also stressed that the present administration is still stable and not threatened by any parties wishing to retract their support, further noting that Pakatan Harapan — the main Opposition bloc — has made its intent known on extending the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the federal government beyond its July expiration date.

He also said the rakyat will punish Umno leaders who deliberately want Parliament to be dissolved to pave the way for an election.

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