Why Pakatan Harapan must win GE15

The reality is Malays and Muslims suffer from arrogance of power. They unite when they are weak or are defeated and will become bongkak and takabur when they are strong or when they win. So Umno needs to lose GE15 to bring them back to their senses. If not, they will become like Firaun.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Tawfik Ismail, one of the founders of the NGO Gerak, said Malay Unity is a myth (READ MORE HERE).

That all depends on how you wish to look at it.

Terengganu and Kelantan are rivals, in a sense. But if an ‘orang luar’, say for example a Selangorian, attacks an anak Kelantan, the anak Terengganu will rally to his side. In other words, against an outsider, the anak Kelantan and anak Terengganu are brothers.

The Manchester City and Manchester United fans are like cats and dogs. But if it is England versus France, the Manchester City and Manchester United fans will unite. And if the drunken French fans attack the English fans, the Liverpool, Manchester City and Manchester United fans will fight side-by-side and beat the shit out of the French fans.

Malays are like that as well. The Kelantanese will say he is anak Kelantan. The Johorian will say he is bangsa Johor. So what Tawfik said is true in a way. But if Malaysia or the Malay race is being threatened. The anak Kelantan and bangsa Johor will become anak Melayu.

Hence, to unite the Malays, you need to instil a siege mentality in their mind. If the Malays, never mind from which state, feel they are under siege, they will unite.

Adolf Hitler did the same thing to unit the Germans under the Nazi party. He even burned down the Reichstag Building and said it was the Jews who did it to gain ‘German unity’.

The ‘May 13’ race riots in 1969 achieved the same thing, Malay unity, which resulted in the successful formation of Barisan Nasional four years later. Even Umno’s mortal enemy, PAS, joined Barisan Nasional, for the sake of ‘perpaduan ummah’ or Malay solidarity.

When the Malays feel strong, they will never unite. When the Malays feel they are under threat, they will unite. All Muslims everywhere in the world are the same. They will kill each other if they feel they are strong and they fear no threat. They will only unite when they are on their knees.

Hence the belief that all Muslims are brothers (and sisters) united under Islam is a myth — just like what Tawfik says is the myth of Malay unity. Why the hell Muslims call one another ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ is beyond me. Some Muslim countries are closer to Israel than to their ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ fellow-Muslims.

Umno Malays would sooner vote for MCA or MIC than for PAS or Bersatu. So Malay unity or Muslim brotherhood is as real as the tooth fairy. So long as Umno feels they are invincible and can be guaranteed of winning GE15 with a two-thirds majority, Malay unity or Muslim brotherhood can go to hell.

Hence, we need for Pakatan Harapan to win GE15. And that can only happen if all the opposition parties unite and face Barisan Nasional in a satu-lawan-satu contest. If they face GE15 the way they faced the PRN Melaka and PRN Johor, then Barisan Nasional is going to win.

In 2015, Umno and PAS had been mortal enemies for 64 years (they still are, in fact, so it’s 71 years today). However, when Umno thought they were going to lose GE14, they agreed to enter into an electoral pact with PAS. Then, in 2018, when the intelligence reports said Barisan Nasional can win 135 parliament seats on their own without PAS, they aborted the electoral pact and engaged PAS in three-corner fights.

In September 2019, after Barisan Nasional lost GE14, Umno formed Muafakat Nasional with PAS. However, Umno does not want a marriage with PAS. They just want crutches or a tongat when they break their leg — and will discard it after their leg heals. (Did they not say Malays have tongkat mentality)?

The reality is Malays and Muslims suffer from arrogance of power. They unite when they are weak or are defeated and will become bongkak and takabur when they are strong or when they win. So Umno needs to lose GE15 to bring them back to their senses. If not, they will become like Firaun.

