So, who will become PM10 once Ismail Sabri is toppled?

We do not want to hear how tera you are. We want to hear who is going to be PM10 once you topple Ismail Sabri. And we want to hear how long PM10 is going to be in office before he gets toppled as well and PM11 takes over. Ke Malaysia akan jadi macam Pakistan?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Every day we hear politicians from both sides of the political divide talk about toppling or replacing prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

They boast about how strong and powerful they are that they can topple the prime minister, and they show off that they are such a terror (or tera) political strategist that they know so much and can talk so much.

Yeah, right, if they are so tera how come Umno fell in May 2018 and how come Pakatan Harapan fell in February 2020? Tidaklah tera sangat kalau macam tu!

Anyway, politicians love the sound of their own voice, and they get an orgasm when they boast and talk big. I suppose so long as they can talk and engage in verbal masturbation, they do not need sex.

Okay, tak payah cerita how tera you are and that you can topple PM Ismail Sabri any time you want. Tell us once you topple Ismail Sabri who you are going to appoint as the new prime minister or PM10. And DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong sudah perkenan ke?

That is what we want to hear. We do not want to hear how tera you are. We want to hear who is going to be PM10 once you topple Ismail Sabri. And we want to hear how long PM10 is going to be in office before he gets toppled as well and PM11 takes over. Ke Malaysia akan jadi macam Pakistan?

