M’sians deserve to know what defines ‘reckless driving’: Muda veep

Verdict in Sam Ke Ting’s case sets ‘worrying precedent’, says Lim Wei Jiet 

(The Vibes) – Malaysians have the right to know what constitutes “reckless driving” under the Road Transport Act 1987 after the conviction of clerk Sam Ke Ting, said Muda vice-president and lawyer Lim Wei Jiet.

“Millions of Malaysians deserve to clearly know exactly what defines ‘reckless driving’ under Act 333.

“I hope the appellate court will hear the case soon (if leave is granted) to decide if the facts of the case truly broke the law and deserving of the six-year jail term,” he said in a statement yesterday.

He said the court decision in her case sets a “worrying precedent” even though the driver was trying to avoid ‘basikal lajak’ at night and was driving below the speed limit as well as free of influence.

“Many Malaysian drivers are worried that they will be in the same situation (as Sam), especially those who are working night shifts.”

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