Ku Li backs bloc to topple PAS govt in Kelantan

Group welcomes leaders from any party, says Gua Musang MP’s aide

(The Vibes) – Umno veteran Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah is now the patron of a new state political bloc known as the “movement to save Kelantan”, it was found during a recent courtesy call by the group at his home here.

An aide with the Gua Musang MP said Tengku Razaleigh will remain with Umno but he will lend his voice to the bloc, because 30 years is more than enough for PAS to prove itself.

PAS is now in a weaker position than when it captured Kelantan more than 30 years ago due to a lack of clout and insight on how to manage the state, said the aide.

The Islamist party has ruled the east coast state since 1990, after Tengu Razaleigh had exited Umno and formed the now defunct Semangat 46.

He rejoined Umno in 1996.

The loose bloc will welcome any leader here who feels that PAS can no longer offer Kelantan much after more than 30 years at the helm.

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