Six months on, controversial ex-academic Kamarul Zaman confirms he is PM’s aide

Former Universiti Utara Malaysia lecturer Kamarul Zaman Yusoff, who was previously accused of stoking religious tensions, has confirmed his appointment as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s special officer.

(MMO) – The controversial political analyst who had also been sued repeatedly by DAP lawmakers for defamation told Malaysiakini last night that he has been in the role since last December.

“I purposely did not publicise it, I prefer to work in obscurity. I am not someone who chases publicity and prefers to keep a low profile while working behind the scenes,” he was quoted saying by the news portal.

Kamarul Zaman said his job scope includes helping the PM with daily matters and research, excluding politics or policy matters, “nothing that requires me to stand out”.

He also told the news portal that he was tasked to be the director of a symposium to promote Bahasa Malaysia internationally.

Ismail Sabri has been seeking to promote Malaysia’s national language abroad and has also suggested it could be used as the lingua franca for South-east Asia.

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