Can Rafizi be PKR’s new face?

His rise will hinge on ability to unite party, inclusivity, observers say

(The Vibes) – Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been the undisputed face of PKR for close to two decades. However, the election of Rafizi Ramli as the new deputy president could soon see a shift in the dynamics within the party.

The former Pandan MP secured a rather surprising victory in the recently concluded party polls, as he defeated Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail despite having neither the advantage of incumbency nor the supposed blessing of his president, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Whether he has any ambition for an even more prominent role in the party remains a question, but political observers believe if he plays his cards right and things fall into place, Rafizi could soon find himself on PKR’s perch.

Key to his rise will be his ability to be more inclusive and to win over the hearts of all party members, particularly those currently not aligned with him, they said.

“Having won the deputy presidency race, Rafizi could certainly be the new poster boy and face of PKR,” National Professors’ Council senior fellow Prof Jeniri Amir told The Vibes.

He has the potential to be the next party president. It all depends on how he portrays himself as a leader, and how he can get the backing of all party members.”

While Rafizi has never expressed any desire to go for the top post, calls for Anwar to make way for younger leaders within the party have amplified following PKR’s poor showings in recent state elections in Sarawak, Melaka and Johor.

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