Rafidah Aziz to globe-trotting govt leaders: ‘Turun padang, bukan naik kapal terbang’

“This current government has a penchant for overseas trips when its own house is not in order”

(The Vibes) – Go to ground, not board a plane!

This was the reaction of an incredulous Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz over the government’s trade delegation to Peru and Mexico in the midst of an economic crisis.

The former international trade and industry minister lambasted what she called an ill-timed and ill-conceived trade delegation by the International Trade and Industry Ministry (Miti) to countries that themselves are having economic problems.

“Why are we organising a trade delegation to countries that are having problems?

“Sit at home and do your work! Repair the leaks and damage,” said Rafidah, stressing that ministers should instead be going down to ground to speak to stakeholders, including investors in Malaysia.

“Turun padang, bukan naik kapal terbang! (get down to the ground, not board a plane!)”

Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Lim Ban Hong is currently leading a trade and investment mission to Mexico and Peru from June 26 to July 5.

It was reported that the mission is “part of Miti’s continuous effort to expand trade and investment opportunities in the Latin-American market.”

Miti, in a statement on June 23, said: “The trade and investment mission would be focusing on broad linkage opportunities as well as exploring new markets for our exports as part of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact.”

Rafidah said that as the economic crisis is threatening the country, there is a need for ministers to stay put, and fix the investment and economic problems.

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