“Independence of ROS questioned as it reels under UMNO’s pressure”

THE Registrar of Society (ROS) is seemingly being under continuous pressure by different UMNO leaders to allow the amendments to UMNO’s party constitution and to delay its party elections until after the 15th General Election (GE15).

(Focus Malaysia) – Lawyer and social rights advocate Charles Hector is puzzled as to how the UMNO Supreme Council could possess such authority after their term expired in June 2021 to call for party general meeting or to even propose and amend its party’s constitution to delay its elections to after GE15.

“I have not had sight of the amendment approved at the general meeting of UMNO,” he pointed out in a media statement.

“(As) the ROS only allowed for a delay in holding party elections until December 2022, can the office bearers or UMNO leaders exercise all powers the same way they could before their official term ended, or really they are now just a ‘caretaker leadership’ with powers just to arrange and hold party elections as permitted by ROS.

“This means they cannot call for general meeting or use powers that normally legitimate leaders can do during their term of office.”

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