Malaysian govt has been talking to Jho Low since 2018

Anyway, the bottom line is, the Malaysian government is in touch with Jho Low (since 2018) and Jho Low is able to shed some light on the true story of 1MDB (which he has, but unofficially or off the record). But they are not officially recording Jho Low’s statement. Why? Is it because if Jho Low’s story is revealed it may impact Najib’s trial and he could walk free?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The cat is now out of the bag. Former AG Mohamed Apandi Ali has been talking to Jho Low in an attempt to make a deal.

Before that, former IGP Abdul Hamid Bador had been talking to Jho Low, also in an attempt to hammer out a deal — and Hamid confirmed this.

In short, key people in the Malaysian government have been talking to Jho Low since Pakatan Harapan first came to power in 2018. And Malaysia Today had revealed this ‘secret’ four years ago.

Apandi and/or the AG, Idrus Harun, has not revealed what was discussed. But back when Hamid was talking to Jho Low, what was discussed was for Jho Low to act as the prosecution’s key witness against Najib Tun Razak in exchange for a ‘pardon’.

The Pakatan Harapan negotiation failed because other than immunity from prosecution, Jho Low also wanted an amnesty on the money he had taken — while Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad wanted the money to be returned.

Anyway, the long and short of it is, the Malaysian government has access to Jho Low. Hence the police can record Jho Low’s statement and use it in Najib’s trial. The only thing is the police must record that statement on Malaysian ‘soil’, which means on the premises of the Malaysian embassy (or Malaysian High Commission office).

So why does the Malaysian police not record Jho Low’s statement so that we can get to the bottom of the 1MDB scandal. Currently, Najib is facing trial but there are so many grey areas and holes in the case.

Was Najib really the mastermind behind the biggest single money heist in Malaysian history (I say “biggest single money heist in Malaysian history” because the collective Mahathir-Daim-Anwar money heists are ten times bigger than the 1MDB money heist).

Or was Najib just sloppy, too trusting, and stupid for allowing his people too much freedom? (And I know for a fact that Najib was surrounded by dodgy people who were stealing left, right and centre — and one such crook is now the prosecution’s key witness against Rosmah Mansor).

To be fair, even Mahathir suffered from this problem. People such as Abdullah Ang, Eric Chia, etc., were actually stealing millions right under Mahathir’s nose. Of course, Mahathir later found out and Abdullah Ang was sent to jail while Eric Chia was put on trial but acquitted by the court.

Daim was another of Mahathir’s trustees who stole billions under the names of proxies. Even Mahathir does not know until today how much Daim stole.

The only ‘crime’ Najib committed was that he lost the election in May 2018. That is why he was arrested and put on trial.

Mahathir and Daim were also supposed to have been arrested if Umno-Barisan Nasional was unlucky enough to lose the election. However, instead, Pakatan Harapan made Mahathir the prime minister and Daim the Chairman of the Council of Eminent Persons (instead of arresting them for stealing RM100-200 billion like what DAP promised Malaysians).

Anyway, the bottom line is, the Malaysian government is in touch with Jho Low (since 2018) and Jho Low is able to shed some light on the true story of 1MDB (which he has, but unofficially or off the record). But they are not officially recording Jho Low’s statement. Why? Is it because if Jho Low’s story is revealed it may impact Najib’s trial and he could walk free?

