Lim Kit Siang putar-belit and speaks with forked tongue

Kit Siang is not the guardian of principles and standards. In the first place he has no principles and very low standards. The more Kit Siang talks the more he stinks to high heavens. Just shut the fook up and pergi mampuslah!


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Lim Kit Siang is oozing with hypocrisy. The hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

For years Kit Siang promised Malaysia if Pakatan Harapan ever came to power they would send Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Daim Zainuddin to jail for stealing RM100-200 billion of the rakyat’s money.

Instead, they appointed Dr Mahathir Pakatan Harapan’s prime minister and Daim Pakatan’s head of the CEP, the advisor to the Malaysian government.

Then, after just 22 months in power, they plotted to oust Dr Mahathir and ended up toppling their own Pakatan government instead. That is called poetic justice.

If Karpal Singh were still alive he would have resigned from DAP just like what Lee Lam Thye did 30 years ago.

In May 2018, Kit Siang forfeited his right to speak about principles. Zaid Ibrahim is entitled to his opinions and beliefs. Since when is Kit Siang the trustee of opinions and beliefs who dictates what people can and cannot believe?

Is it not Kit Siang who believes that Anwar Ibrahim is innocent and a victim of political persecution even if the court says he is guilty of sodomy? So why can’t Zaid believe that Najib is innocent and also a victim of political persecution?

Kit Siang is not the guardian of principles and standards. In the first place he has no principles and very low standards. The more Kit Siang talks the more he stinks to high heavens. Just shut the fook up and pergi mampuslah!


Can Zaid be so sure of Najib’s innocence in the monstrous 1MDB scandal?

Lim Kit Siang

I AM surprised by (former de-facto law minister) Datuk Zaid Ibrahim’s new line of thinking but could he influence a single person to change his or her mind that former premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak is not guilty of corruption in the monstrous mega multi-billion dollar 1Malaysia Development Bhd’s (1MDB) scandal?

I am surprised by Zaid’s change of stance especially as it came after the widely-reported 100-page judgement of Justice Datuk Azimah Omar in former Attorney-General Mohamad Tan Sri Mohamd Apandi Ali’s defamation suit against me was made public last week.

Forefront in my mind is the question how Zaid, a former Cabinet Minister, could change his mind on Najib and the 1MDB scandal after reading Justice Azimah’s judgement? Or had he not read the Azimah judgement yet?

In his Facebook, Zaid said:

“Now, I am convinced Najib was lied to. Not only by Jho Low but also by his officers. He was misled by his officers in 1MDB and lied to by Goldman Sachs and Aabar Investments in Abu Dhabi.

“So the loss of billions of ringgit, in my opinion, was not because of Najib’s fault or in other words, he was not the one who planned it.”

Did Najib tell Zaid all this as well as the version that he as the prime minister was not the mastermind of the 1MDB scandal – and if not – how could Zaid come to such a conclusion?

One of the most salient points in the 1MDB scandal which had been in the public domain for a decade is that Najib had never condemned Jho Low or anybody else for the 1MDB scandal.

For that matter, the leaders of UMNO and the Barisan Nasional (BN) have never condemned the 1MDB scandal although a former US Attorney-General had described it as “kleptocracy at its worst”.

Can Najib and the leaders of UMNO and the BN present and the past going back to the Najib premiership, explain why they had never condemned the 1MDB scandal although it was the cause for the whole world to regard Malaysia as a kleptocracy?

Veteran lawmaker and former DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang is also the MP for Iskandar Puteri in Johor.

