Zahid to gain the most from snap election: Ramasamy

(The Sun Daily) – Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to gain the most from a snap election and that is why he is allegedly pressuring the prime minister to dissolve parliament, Penang Deputy Chief Minister P. Ramasamy said today.

“Zahid is vigorously pushing the agenda for an early GE15 to save his own neck. Najib (Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak) is already convicted; nothing further can be done (for his release) except for a royal pardon,” Ramasamy was quoted as saying in The Malaysian Insight’s report.

He said there are corruption cases pending against the Bagan Datuk MP which he hoped to avoid.

“Zahid thinks that if GE15 is held this year, the chances of Barisan Nasional winning national power is high given the weakness of the opposition, Pakatan Harapan.

“Thus, if Umno leads BN to a victory, then corruption cases against him and others will be removed by virtue of political power.

“Najib may get a royal pardon for the conviction in the SRC International case while other cases will be cast aside,” he said.

