Cops confirm report lodged against Rafizi over LCS claims

(The Star) – Police have confirmed that a police report has been lodged against PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli.

This follows Rafizi’s comments on Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Special Functions) Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad over the littoral combat ship (LCS) scandal.

Rafizi claimed that the minister has a wife named Zainab Mohd Salleh, who has been implicated in the alleged misappropriation of funds from the LCS project.

Sentul OCPD Asst Comm Beh Eng Lai said in a statement Wednesday (Aug 31) that the report was lodged the day before by a special officer to Abdul Latiff.

“The complainant refuted claims that Latiff has a second wife who received (an) LCS contract worth hundreds of millions, when he was a deputy (defence) minister.

“We will be calling Rafizi for a statement,” he said.

Abdul Latiff, the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia MP for Mersing, had stated previously that none of his family members were involved in business involving the supply or construction of the LCS.

He denied allegations that his wife or wives were involved in the project.

“I have no wife or wives named Zainab Mohd Salleh. None of my family members are involved in business involving the supply or construction of LCS ships,” he said in a Facebook post on Aug 26.

On Aug 22, Rafizi named Abdul Latiff as a key player in the LCS scandal.

Rafizi alleged that companies linked to the second wife of a former deputy defence minister were involved in the LCS controversy.

In a statement, Rafizi had linked one “Zainab Mohd Salleh” to an offshore company with units incorporated in tax havens such as Malta and Labuan.

He also claimed that the woman was Abdul Latiff’s second wife.

Rafizi later clarified in a tweet that the “Zainab Salleh” he was referring to was not the chief financial officer of the Dialog Group as some had speculated.

