Ministers reportedly divided over GE15 date

While the Umno ministers wanted GE15 to be held immediately, the proposal was shot down by other ministers, especially those from Perikatan Nasional (PN).

(FMT) – Cabinet members are reportedly divided over a proposal to hold the 15th general election (GE15) this year.

The timing of the election was on the agenda at yesterday’s Cabinet meeting, with Utusan Malaysia reporting that while the Umno ministers wanted GE15 to be held immediately, the proposal was shot down by other ministers, especially those from Perikatan Nasional (PN).

A minister who wished to remain anonymous told Utusan Malaysia that Bersatu and PAS ministers were against holding the national polls this year as they want the government to focus on the economy and flood disaster management.

The minister also said that some of his counterparts did not agree for Parliament to be dissolved before Budget 2023 is presented on Oct 7 – some three weeks ahead of schedule.

He said the ministers who rejected the proposal for GE15 to be held this year also did not agree with the Dewan Rakyat being dissolved before Budget 2023 was approved.

The minister added that Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob will consider the views of all Cabinet members in deciding when to dissolve the Dewan Rakyat.

Ismail’s Cabinet consists of ministers from Umno (11), Bersatu (nine), Gabungan Parti Sarawak (four), PAS (three), MCA (one), MIC (one), Parti Bersatu Sabah (one) and Parti Bangsa Malaysia (one).

GE15 must be held no later than mid-September 2023, that is, within 60 days after the current Parliamentary term dissolves automatically on July 16 next year.

When contacted, another minister confirmed that the Cabinet discussed the proposed date for GE15 but did not provide any further details.

Environment and water minister Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said there was no decision made as to the date of GE15 at the Cabinet meeting – stating that only the country’s economic recovery and flood preparation measures were discussed.

Federal territories minister Shahidan Kassim refused to comment when asked if the ministers were for or against having GE15 this year, stating that Cabinet members were under oath to guard and keep government secrets.

Meanwhile, communications and multimedia minister Annuar Musa said yesterday’s Cabinet meeting only discussed flood preparations.
