Perikatan set to take on BN and Pakatan

Perikatan Nasional is prepared to take on both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan in the 15th General Election, says Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

(MSN News) – Despite still harbouring some hope of a pact with Barisan, the Perikatan chairman said all its component parties, including Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, PAS and Gerakan, were united and prepared to face anyone.

“PAS is still hopeful of ‘perpaduan ummah’ (cooperation between Bersatu, PAS and Umno).

“All Perikatan component parties have also agreed that it will be good (to have the cooperation),” he told a press conference after chairing a Perak Perikatan meeting here yesterday.

The other components of Perikatan are Sabah STAR and Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP).

“More importantly, we at Perikatan are united.

“If they (Barisan) do not want to be with us, we will face them and Pakatan (in the elections),” Muhyiddin added.

The Bersatu president and former prime minister was earlier asked about PAS rejecting the three conditions set by Umno to resume their Muafakat Nasional alliance.

The conditions set by Umno are PAS leaving Perikatan, severing its political ties with Bersatu and officially declaring that the party has separated from Perikatan and Bersatu.

Muhyiddin said Perikatan planned to contest all 24 parliamentary seats in Perak, provided that there were no changes to the current political situation.

The distribution of seats among component parties is still being discussed and expected to be finalised soon, he said, adding that, “Any decisions not to stand in certain seats will be made later.”

Asked whether the incumbent state representatives will be retained, Muhyiddin said “only the best”.
