Pakatan should seriously consider holding simultaneous polls – Ramkarpal Singh

PH is against the elections being held now and we have stated our reasons for this many times. But we are forced to consider state elections now because of the selfish decision of the federal government in calling for parliamentary elections now.

(The Vibes) – PAKATAN Harapan (PH) should rethink its decision to hold state elections separate from the general election, as announced recently.

No doubt, PH states did announce that they will hold their elections next year but surely, this announcement was made in the context of avoiding a general election in the midst of possible floods at the end of this year.

But now that the federal government has forced us into a general election where the rakyat have no choice but to come out to vote, despite the real possibility of adverse weather conditions, should these PH states burden the rakyat more by insisting they come out to vote again next year in state elections?

I have been on the ground in Penang and know that the people do not want separate elections. Their wish to hold concurrent state and Parliament elections is overwhelming.

Let me make it very clear. PH is against the elections being held now and we have stated our reasons for this many times.

But we are forced to consider state elections now because of the selfish decision of the federal government in calling for parliamentary elections now.

This means that the rakyat have no choice but to come out to vote for MPs now.

So why not save the rakyat from further burden and separate elections costs, and hold state elections now as well?

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