GE15: Once bitten twice the shy, Umno say no to “big headed opportunists”

Party president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi assured members that the upper echelons — which he called the ‘Top 5’ — will not select “big headed leaders” with a penchant of chastising their own leadership.

(Sinar Daily) – Having learnt its lesson from the betrayal of its own comrades after it lost the 14th General Election (GE14), Umno vowed that it will only field candidates that are not only loyal but also those who have no vested interest for the coming GE15.

Party president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi assured members that the upper echelons — which he called the ‘Top 5’ — will not select “big headed leaders” with a penchant of chastising their own leadership.

“Anyone who is arrogant and thinks themselves greater than the party’s struggles should know their place. After the Parliament’s dissolution, there were some who had come to realise that they actually belonged to Umno.

“They know now that everything they enjoyed, including the positions they held was essentially by virtue of them being an Umno member, not because they represented the voice of Pribumi Bersatu or Pas or any other parties,” remarked Zahid in a statement today.

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