Anwar launches Pakatan’s GE15 election manifesto ‘Tawaran Harapan’

Pakatan Harapan (PH) launched today its election manifesto Tawaran Harapan that focuses on improving the ailing economy.

(MMO) – The coalition will use the hashtags #KitaBoleh and #MalaysiaBangkit during campaigning to identify 10 areas that needed urgent attention.

“Harapan is determined to rebuild Malaysia following the 30 months of destruction by the Barisan-Perikatan Nasional coalition over the past 30 months.

“They are devoid of ideas concerning long-term issues like the people’s needs, climate change and the recovery of the lost generation in education,” PH prime minister candidate Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said during the manifesto launch today.

“With our strong will, leadership and clear manifesto, we can redevelop Malaysia again with a big turnout on polling day on November 19.”

“This manifesto is good because Umno-Barisan Nasional don’t have any clue about honesty as so many of their leaders are involved in corrupt practices,” he said.

Anwar alluded to the pandemic that killed thousands and led to several lockdowns that devastated the economy.

He also said the extended lockdowns had led to an increase in the number of poor, especially among the Orang Asli and Indians, with no solutions in sight.

He said, as such, only PH has the best plan for the country’s future.

“I want to emphasise that we are confident and do not to apologise for our stance as we stand with all races. The multiculturalism we have in this party, which our rivals want to racialise, will not deter our fight for the people.

“I implore the people to vote for us so we have a clear majority after GE15 and get rid of this flip-flopping government, bloated Cabinet with 70 ministers and stop the appointment of special envoys who get paid for doing nothing,” he added.

The 10 priorities for PH are managing the cost of living, combating corruption and strengthening democracy, empowering economic opportunities for the youth and exploring humanity sectors, saving the lost generation in education, building disaster mitigation measures and enhancing protection for the rakyat, addressing the issue of contract doctors and providing robust welfare for healthcare workers, eliminating gender inequality and enhancing women’s socioeconomic participation, empowering Sabah and Sarawak, improving the competitiveness of all Malaysians and preserving the environment for future generations.

The manifesto can be read in full or downloaded from

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