Umno is in trouble: it has no money to fight GE15

“There is no 1MDB money like in the last two general election in 2013 and 2018 when money flowed like water because of the 1MDB scandal.”

(Focus Malaysia) – With a political career spanning 57 years in his bag, it is little wonder that retired DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang holds the view that UMNO has never been so divided as now.

The veteran lawmaker envisaged that a divisive row is crystalising within the party because its members have been made to defend the corrupt practices of UMNO leaders while the leaders themselves have little money to fund their election campaigns.

“There is no 1MDB money like in the last two general election in 2013 and 2018 when money flowed like water because of the 1MDB scandal,” reckoned the incumbent Iskandar Puteri MP who has passed his baton to Johor DAP chairman Liew Chin Tong to defend the constituency.

“(In fact), it is not that there is no money but less money with UMNO warlords at the state and divisional level retaining more of the money (for themselves) … as such, UMNO may lose the GE15 (15th General Election).”

Added Lim in his media statement in conjunction with his visit to the DAP Lahad Datu GE15 operations centre in Sabah: “UMNO grassroots should demand that the UMNO warlords at state and divisional level release 100% of the monies to be used for the election campaign.”

Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz said in Parliament recently that Malaysian taxpayers still have to fork out RM32.08 bil as of June 30 this year to repay the debts incurred by the monstrous 1MDB scandal.

On the same note, Lim also argued that PH stands a good chance to win GE15 as the winds of change is blowing in the country “but it depends on a high voter turnout of more than 80%”.

“I call on every voter inside the country and the Malaysian diaspora worldwide not only to vote but to get their family, neighbours and friends to vote to save Malaysia from becoming a failed and kleptocratic state in another 30-40 years and for the sake of our children and children’s children,” he asserted.

Elsewhere, Lim also reminded Warisan GE15 campaigners in Sabah to stop misleading the public by claiming in Lahad Datu that “a vote for Warisan is a vote for rocket (DAP)” as Warisan had sent candidates to contest against DAP candidates throughout Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia.

