‘We have yet to sign SD’, says Ismail Sabri

Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said he has yet to sign the statutory declaration (SD) for the formation of the new government.

(Sinar Daily) – He said earlier during a meeting between Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, there were no discussions or negotiations held about cooperation to form the government.

“We have not signed the SD yet.

“We were just chit-chatting inside, there were no discussion and negotiations,” he told reporters at the Seri Pacific Hotel, here, before leaving the premises.

A total of 26 BN MPs attended the meeting today.

Meanwhile, DAP’s Anthony Loke were also seen at the building.

Earlier, a meeting was held between BN and Pakatan Harapan (PH) at the hotel.

It is believed that the meeting was to finalise the cooperation between the two coalitions.

Yesterday, Istana Negara has asked leaders of coalitions and political parties to inform the palace of the agreed coalition to form a government by 2pm, today.

The leaders were also asked to submit the name of their respective Prime Minister candidate by then.
