GRS should be principled and not keep making U-turns, says Warisan

“If GRS is really a responsible government, then they should set a good example by maintaining their position and principles instead of being leaders with forked tongues by changing their minds too often.”

(Borneo Post) – Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) should set a good example by maintaining their principles, instead of changing their minds too often, said Warisan information chief Datuk Mohd Azis Jamman.

He was commenting on a recent statement by political secretary to the Chief Minister, Ceasar Mandela Malakun who said Warisan has been a destabilising factor in Sabah’s politics since it lost power in 2020.

“The action of GRS making a U-turn by declaring support for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim despite having expressed support for Tan Sri Muhyiddin first, clearly shows that GRS has produced leaders who do not stick to their principles and constantly change positions according to the current political situation for their own interests.

“If GRS is really a responsible government, then they should set a good example by maintaining their position and principles instead of being leaders with forked tongues by changing their minds too often.

“I’m sure if there was another upheaval, these same people would be the ones who would shift support in no time. I also hope that this is their last leap and that their support for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s government is permanent,” he said.

Azis added Mandela should not be hypocritical and ‘throwing stones with their hands hidden’ because GRS had caused political unrest in Sabah and even made Sabah famous as a state that produced ‘frog leaders’.

“In fact, political instability in Sabah is caused by the actions of Bersatu leaders led by the Chief Minister himself who has left his party, which even raised questions about his legitimacy.

“This is obviously caused by the actions of Bersatu members themselves, but why is Warisan being blamed?” he asked.

Azis also said after the Sabah State Election in September 2020, Warisan assemblymen were often lured to leave the party causing some representatives to quit the party such as the members of Sebatik, Sindumin, Segama, Melalap, Limbahau and Kukusan.

“It’s not that we don’t know their leaders who often try to contact and persuade Warisan representatives even to this day,” he added.

