Yearly Archives


Ringgit slides further vs US dollar

The ringgit continued to decline against the US dollar at the opening today as the dollar was supported by recent statements from the United States (US) Federal Reserve (Fed) chair Jerome Powell…

UMNO Terengganu tetap lawan Pas pada PRU15

Biarpun pelbagai polemik timbul berhubung status kerjasama antara UMNO dan Pas, UMNO Terengganu kekal dengan pendirian untuk bergerak solo dan memutuskan tidak bekerjasama dengan Pas pada Pilihan…

A critique of an NEP critique

Comment on “Social Justice and Affirmative Action in Malaysia: The New Economic Policy after 50 Years” Kwame Sundaram Jomo Any meaningful assessment of Malaysia's New Economic Policy (NEP) (Lee,…

Is Zahid a suitable PM candidate?

Francis Paul Siah, Malaysiakini Ahmad Zahid Hamidi must be in seventh heaven on Sept 24, Saturday, and why not. The Umno president was acquitted on 40 graft charges related to the Foreign Visa…