Umno reflects Malay feudalism

Zahid is not being undemocratic, unfair, or unjust in exterminating all those who do not agree he has absolute power to decide what happens. Zahid is just being Malay. And being Malay means there is a caste system and he is at the very pinnacle of the pecking order. And that also means he has the God-given right to treat those below him like serfs and peasants.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

When I see non-Malays talk about liberal, moderate, fundamentalist, extremist, etc., Malays, it is clear most Malaysians, at times even Malays as well, do not understand the Malay psyche or mentality. And what you see happening in Umno today is merely Malays showing what the Malay psyche is like.

One thing most people do not understand is you cannot separate Melayu and Islam. Melayu is Islam and Islam is Melayu.

Now, this does not mean Malays are pious Muslims. Malays are Muslims, that’s all, but it does not mean Malays are good Muslims. They are merely Muslims in ‘culture’ although they may not be in practice.

And, more importantly, Malays are feudalistic.

READ MORE HERE: The dangers of feudalism in Malaysian society

So the current turmoil in Umno — which has just started and there is more to come — is not about treason to the party, as they try to make it seem. It is about treason to the president. To disagree with the president is an act of treason, even if the president may be wrong.

The party president is like the father of the family. You must never derhaka or go against the abang, the father, the uztaz, the che’gu, the sultan, someone older than you, someone of a higher rank or status than you, or anyone of authority.

In a way, the Malays, too, practice the caste system.

Malays have a superiority complex. So they resent being opposed or challenged. And you can see the ongoing events in Umno the product of this superiority complex.

Malays are Muslims and Islam is the only true religion of Allah. And this makes the Malays special because Allah chose them to be born Muslims. Those of other religions are not so lucky, as they were cursed to be born as non-Muslims.

So Allah gave the Malays this chosen people status, hence the superiority complex of the Malays.

And all Muslims will eventually end up in heaven even if they have sinned. They will merely serve a sentence in hell to pay for these sins, but eventually everyone will go to heaven, unless their sin causes them to cease being a Muslim.

Those who are not Muslims will live in hell for eternity, even if they have done good deeds their entire life, such as Mother Teresa. Hence bad Muslims go to heaven merely because they are Muslims while good non-Muslims go to hell even if they are good non-Muslims.

And this is what make Malays special and above the rest.

Malays do not subscribe to democracy or equality. There is a pecking order and those at the bottom must never question or challenge those above them, especially publicly. To do so is biadap or kurang ajar.

And that is the reason why those who do not agree with Ahmad Zahid Hamidi must be sacked or suspended from Umno. They acted against Zahid, and this means they are very un-Malay. Malays must never biadap or kurang ajar with their betters. Going against Zahid means going against Umno and going against what being a Malay means.

Things such as never crossing your betters from behind and lowering your posture when you cross your betters from the front is expected of you. Never point your finger or raise your voice to your betters. Never say ‘no’ or ‘cannot’ when your betters say something.

When royalty speaks to ‘orang kebanyakan’ (the masses), the orang kebanyakan must respond with ‘ku’ after every statement. Even if the royalty says ‘bodoh’, you must respond with ‘ku’. If you disagree that will reflect badly on your parents who did not bring you up properly.

Non-Muslims must show respect and not insult, disagree with, or challenge Islam, the religion of the Malays. Muslims, however, can look down or talk down on other religions because only Islam is the true religion of Allah. Acts such as burning the Quran is act of war and Muslims can retaliate physically. That is not extremism or terrorism but upholding the dignity of Islam.

Zahid is not being undemocratic, unfair, or unjust in exterminating all those who do not agree he has absolute power to decide what happens. Zahid is just being Malay. And being Malay means there is a caste system and he is at the very pinnacle of the pecking order. And that also means he has the God-given right to treat those below him like serfs and peasants.

