PAS leaders ruining politics with lies, Buntong rep says after son claimed Razman only apologised to save Anwar’s face

“The first time was when he issued an apology statement against Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaludin, the second was against Lim Guan Eng and this time, his third apology statement is against Anwar. This shows that he is indeed a habitual liar”

(MMO) – Buntong assemblyman Thulsi Manogaran slammed Perak PAS commissioner’s son Muhammad Ri’faat Razman for claiming that his father only apologised to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to protect the prime minister’s good name and not to admit his defamatory remarks.

Thulsi said Razman Zakaria had made a mockery of integrity and dignity with the revelation despite his settlement with Anwar after being sued for RM5 million, and cautioned against leaders of the Islamist party PAS that are actively disseminating disinformation.

“Ri’faat Razman issued an irresponsible statement claiming that his father only apologised to protect the prime minister’s good name. This is a mockery of integrity and dignity. PAS leaders are void of dignity, principles and responsibility.

“The danger of PAS leaders as politicians in this country is evident as they actively contribute to the global crisis of disinformation, fake news and it is indeed worrying as they disrupt the creation of a healthy information ecosystem,” she said in a statement.

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