PN sympathiser backs off after ‘claiming’ MACC offers Wan Saiful RM10m to implicate Muhyiddin

PRO-Perikatan Nasional (PN) political observer Mohamad Shafiq Abdul Halim has apologised to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for ‘accusing’ the latter of having offered RM10 mil to Bersatu information chief Datuk Wan Saiful Wan Jan to implicate the party’s president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin of wrongdoing.

(Focus Malaysia) – However, after the graft buster’s chief commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki threatened to take legal action against him for his slander and lie which are capable of “destroying people’s trust in the commission”, he blamed Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) cybertroopers for having tampered with his live TikTok video post.
Mohamad Shafiq Abdul Halim

“The live (video) on my TikTok this afternoon was a reaction to malicious slander made by Pakatan Harapan cyber troopers who seemed to be a judge in confirming that Datuk Wan Saiful has demanded and accepted bribes,” he clarified in his Facebook page after Berita Harian sought Azam’s reaction on the matter.

“After being provoked in the comment section, I did say ‘there are rumours’ in the court that the MACC offered RM10 mil to Datuk Wan Saiful to change his statement so as to implicate Tan Sri Muhyiddin.”

Added Shafiq: “I do not intend to accuse any party including TS Azam Baki whereby my video was ‘cut’ by PH’s cybertroopers who then disseminated it as if I only mentioned the part of MACC offering RM10 mil to Datuk Wan Saiful.”

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