Syed Saddiq claims innocence, says assistants withdrew Armada funds without his knowledge

Muar MP Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman today accused his former aides of withdrawing funds from Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia and its youth wing Armada to the tune of RM1 million without his prior knowledge nor consent.

(MMO) – The former youth and sports minister said the testimony by Rafiq Hakim Razali — the former treasurer for Armada when Syed Saddiq was its chief — who turned prosecution witness was fabricated and done of his own volition.

“I unequivocally did not ask Rafiq nor the assistant secretary Ahmad Redzuan Ahmad Shafi to withdraw said RM1 million from Armada’s main banking account. As far as I can recall G5 leadership had a meeting in early March 2020 to discuss what we need for the impending Covid-19 pandemic, Ramadhan celebrations and preparations for Aidilfitri in 2020.

“The meeting was held before we went into lockdown and in those discussions the matter of this RM1 million never arose nor was it discussed. G5 only discussed how to deliver aid to the people, G5 then told Rafiq to discuss the matter with Armada’s Ecxo to decide how much money we would need.

“I had never insisted that the money in the Armada’s CIMB bank account number 8008483525 was raised by me in my capacity as Armada chief and always insisted the money belonged to the party.

“As such I emphasise here that I had never discussed with Rafiq or Redzuan separately from G5 to instruct them to take out RM1 million from Armada’s official accounts,” he said today on the first day of his criminal breach of trust and misappropriation of funds trial.

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