Focus on your court cases, Anwar advises Muhyiddin

(The Star) – Focus on your court case, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tells Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

The Prime Minister said the Pagoh MP’s claim that the corruption charges against him were politically-motivated and pre-planned had already been answered by the Attorney General’s Chambers and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

“What more does he want to say; for me, he better focus on the court case.

“Answer in court as the charges have been made,” he said when asked to comment on the accusations.

Anwar said this during a press conference after opening the World Water Day celebration at Stadium Indera Mulia here on Saturday (March 11).

Muhyiddin was charged with four counts of power abuse and two of money laundering on Friday (March 10) following MACC investigations into claims that contractors deposited RM300mil into Bersatu’s accounts in return for projects during his tenure as prime minister.

The projects were said to be under the Jana Wibawa programme, which was launched to help struggling bumiputera contractors during the Covid-19 pandemic.

