Unity govt has forgotten its promises – Patriot

The unity government under Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s leadership is described as not holding on to its administrative principles after organising Aidilfitri open houses which will be held in three states.

(Sinar Daily) – National Patriots Association (Patriot) vice-president Mohd Anuar Osman said the Prime Minister who previously was determined to ensure that the government would spend sparingly to avoid waste seemed to have forgotten his promises.

“There is no other reason why the three states were chosen to organise the Aidilfitri celebration which was more on the attendance of the central leadership. Holding party campaigns using government funds is corruption.“

The (Aidilfitri) celebrations in the states involve large amount of spending and the current economic state and Prime Minister’s previous recommendation to be thrifty is just talk and not thinking about the waste that will occured,” he said, yesterday.

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