MCA president denies involvement in plot to overthrow Anwar administration

MCA president Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong has denied involvement in any plot between Perikatan Nasional (PN) and Barisan Nasional (BN) to overthrow the current government.

(MMO) – He said his priority is revive the country’s post-pandemic economy and to champion issues important to Malaysians.

Wee was responding to an online news report, which he did not name in his video, but provided a link to in the accompanying caption, citing an unnamed source claiming that BN MPs were being persuaded by certain people to quit their party and lose their Dewan Rakyat seats under the new anti-party hopping law, forcing a by-election in which they would contest under the PN banner.

The Ayer Hitam MP condemned the claim, calling it baseless and irrational and saying that it was something he would never support.

“However, as far as myself as MCA president and the party are concerned, we have no knowledge of such attempts to unseat the current government.

“Nor would we support such a move that requires any elected MP to sacrifice their seats to force by-elections,” he said in the caption of the video.

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