Anwar warns against plots to topple govt

The prime minister says he is fed up with constant rumours of plots to bring down the unity government.

(FMT) – Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has issued a veiled threat to those trying to topple the government.

“Don’t sabotage (the government).”

“We have given (you) room and if (you) try to interfere, we will act accordingly without compromise,” he said at an open house event at Universiti Teknologi Mara Penang.

He said he was fed up with constant rumours of plots to bring down the unity government and called on such parties to table a motion of no confidence against him in the coming Dewan Rakyat sitting in two weeks.

This follows reports that a group of Barisan Nasional MPs was said to be involved in a plot with Perikatan Nasional to bring down the current government.

FMT previously reported that 10 MPs from BN intended to force by-elections by quitting their parties. The 10 had previously backed PN chairman Muhyiddin Yassin after the 2022 general election.

