Hadi must name non-Muslim ‘plunderers’ who’ve been conning Malays for over half century

Is Hadi referring to all the MCA and MIC leaders since the founding of the nation, and the Gerakan leaders as conmen and “plunderers”?

Lim Kit Siang, Focus Malaysia

PAS president Tan Sri Hadi Awang has again delivered a racist and most intemperate diatribe, calling on the Malays to unite as the race is being openly conned!

He said that the Malays were being toyed with and conned due to their own neglect and ignorance and are victims of the country’s politics which is being plagued by corruption, moral decay and divisions among themselves.

He slammed Malays who work with non-Muslims and non-Malays whom he claimed are the “biggest plunderer” by giving and receiving bribes.

This is not the first time that the PAS leader has turned his guns against non-Muslims and non-Malays but now he has gone too far.

Can Hadi name the non-Muslim and non-Malay “plunderers” who give and receive bribes, conning the Malays and Muslims?

I would have thought that if Hadi is serious in believing that the Malays and Muslims had been conned for over half a century, he would hold Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as bearing the largest responsibility as the latter had been a prime minister (PM) for more than 24 years!

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