“Were Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah slowest to develop because duped by plunderers?”

KELANTAN, Terengganu and Kedah were the three states in Malaysia that developed the slowest in the last three decades since 1991. Was this because the three states were conned by plunderers who “give and receive bribes”?

Lim Kit Siang, Focus Malaysia
In his recent diatribe, PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang alleged that the Malays were being toyed with and conned due to their own neglect and ignorance and were victims of the country’s politics, plagued by corruption, moral decay and divisions among themselves.

He slammed Malays who work with non-Muslims and non-Malays, who he claimed are the “biggest plunderer” who give and receive bribes.

Was this the reason why Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah are the three states in Malaysia that grew the least in the 30 years from 1991 to 2020, although they were controlled by PAS at one time or another — and in the case of Kelantan since the general election in 1990?

When the 30-year Vision 2020 was launched in 1991 for Malaysia to become a fully developed nation, Terengganu was ranked No.2, Kedah No. 11 and Kelantan the last in per capita GDP among the states in Malaysia.

30 years later, in 2020, Terengganu had fallen to No. 10, Kedah to No. 13 and Kelantan remained the last of the Malaysian states in per capita GDP.

Can Hadi give any explanation?

I have asked Hadi to name the non-Muslim and non-Malay “plunderers” who “give and receive bribes”, conning the Malays and Muslims, for over half a century of Malaysian history, and in particular the “plunderers” in Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah!
