Game over for Gerakan in state polls after Hadi’s damning non-Malay ‘plunderers’ remark?

GERAKAN president Senator Datuk Dr Dominic Lau Hoe Chai can challenge Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow for a debate over the development of the Penang South Islands (PSI) strategic transformative development but such political mileage will likely dwarf backlashes it is getting from non-Malay voters after the latest debacle sparked by PAS president Tan Sri Hadi Awang.

(Focus Malaysia) – Amid the looming state polls and Hadi’s accusation of non-Malays/Muslims being the “biggest plunderers” that con and deceive unsuspecting Malays/Muslims reverberating across both print and social media, the Penang Perikatan Nasional (PN) chief will surely find himself sandwiched between a rock and a hard place.

Yesterday (May 14), Selangor Gerakan chairman Datuk David Ang has called on Hadi to clarify why he thinks that the Malays were being ‘conned’ by the non-Muslims and non-Malays.

The Marang MP Hadi had also slammed Malays who worked with non-Muslims and non-Malays whom he claimed were the “biggest plunderers”, leading the Malays to lose their political power.

“I am shocked by the comment made by Hadi and I fully agree with our president’s response to the comment, deeming it as Hadi’s personal views,” he told the New Straits Times. “Nevertheless, the comment by Hadi does not add any salt nor make any impact on Gerakan’s support as we already lost 99% of the non-Malay support as shown in GE15 (15th General Election).”

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