No Unity Government leaders are involved in corruption – Anwar

Anwar added that the government was currently being attacked for baseless reasons from the opposition, in addition to them using the issue of the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) withdrawal as a political weapon.

(Sinar Daily) – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has insisted that no leaders in the Unity Government were involved in malpractice or corruption during its six months of administration.

He said it indirectly proves the determination of his administration in rejecting such practices.

“If someone ask how great is the Unity Government, I would answer it is great because the leaders are determined to stop the destruction and collapse of values that caused the country to suffer losses and humiliation in front of the world

“This is an amazing achievement for all leaders,” he said at the Unity Government National Convention at the World Trade Centre (WTC) yesterday.

Anwar added that the government was currently being attacked for baseless reasons from the opposition, in addition to them using the issue of the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) withdrawal as a political weapon.

He stressed that the Unity Government’s stance is clear in rejecting all previous conducts that had robbed the nation’s treasures.

“What is this unity for? There are some people who are united to strengthen and save themselves. While some are united to allow for the continuation of the old ways (corruption), to amass wealth and national treasures for their families.

“The Unity Government is united to leave the old chaos and corruption behind and establish a new Malaysia based on Madani and civilisation for the country.

“We have been in power for six months, I thank the Unity Government leadership for not only being together in the government but for also being committed in building New Malaysia,” he said.

