DAP leaders to get supporters to vote for Umno in state polls, says Loke

(The Star) – DAP leaders will work hard to persuade its supporters to vote for Umno candidates during the coming state elections, says Anthony Loke.

The DAP secretary-general said this would apply to all component parties in the unity government, of which Barisan Nasional and Umno are part of.

“When we work together in a coalition, component parties should support each other instead of fighting. We are not contesting against each other and will be campaigning for one another,” he told a press conference at Parliament on Monday (May 22).

Loke added that this is a message for other Pakatan Harapan component parties.

Loke was commenting on Umno supreme council member Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan’s recent statement that Umno supporters were urged to vote for DAP candidates in the coming state elections in a bid to strengthen the unity government.

Ahmad was quoted as saying this is the appropriate thing to do as Umno is part of the unity government.

“This is a logical statement and shouldn’t be considered an issue,” Loke added.

On Perikatan Nasional chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s statement that it was “something abnormal” for Umno leaders to call on supporters to vote for DAP, Loke said the Bersatu president was also previously part of Pakatan.

“He may have forgotten that he was once with Pakatan and surely campaigned for us with Pakatan also campaigning for him,” he said.

On Muhyiddin, who also said that Perikatan could win up to 80% of votes in the coming state polls, Loke said the former prime minister was entitled to his own opinion.

“Anyone can say anything during campaigns. The people will determine the results,” he said.

Separately, Loke said that seat allocations among component unity government parties for the state polls would be finalised soon.

“Negotiations are still ongoing,” he added.

Penang, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu are due to hold their state elections later this year.

