Awesome TV compounded RM250,000 for licensing breach

The troubled television station has been running afoul of the authorities over various news coverage, including false and inaccurate reports 

(The Vibes) – The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has fined Awesome TV RM250,000 for various offences, including operating without a valid licence.

It is learnt that the licence was issued to Awesome Broadcasting Sdn Bhd but the licence is being used by Awesome Media Network Sdn Bhd.

MCMC previously said in a statement on February 21 that it has opened investigation papers against Awesome TV under Section 206 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 over matters pertaining to the compliance of licence conditions.

Later in March, MCMC told the press that it is considering action against one of Awesome TV’s parent companies for a possible violation under Section 36 of the same act, which prohibits the transfer of ownership of a licence without the written approval of the minister-in-charge for communications and multimedia.

MCMC regulatory officers had on March 8 visited Awesome TV and met with its senior management and obtained documents as part of its investigations.

“The violation is sufficient for the MCMC to shut down the station but it proceeded to compound the station instead,” said a source.

However, with its financial troubles, it is anyone’s guess if Awesome TV will be able to pay the fine.

Troubled station running afoul of authorities

The troubled television station has been running afoul of the authorities over various news coverage, including false and inaccurate reports about the sacking of civil servants – that the current administration in Putrajaya plans to reduce the number of government employees.

On February 20 this year, Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil said MCMC had summoned Awesome TV for a meeting regarding six offences related to the publication of defamatory material.

Fahmi added that Awesome TV committed its sixth offence when it falsely claimed that the government was planning to lay off 800,000 civil servants.

On November 6 last year, the broadcasting station faced criticism after online portals reported that Awesome TV’s Berita 7:57 program called on Malays to vote during the 15th general election to prevent other races from gaining power.

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