“DAP accepted smaller minister portfolio due to polarised political landscape,” Loke said

“If today, this government does not work, if this government fails, what is the option? The option is you have a coalition which does not believe in multiculturalism.

(Focus Malaysia) – DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke has clarified that the party had accepted a significantly smaller number of Cabinet positions because the party had chosen to compromise on certain issues.

This includes anticipating problems that may arise due to the increasingly polarised political landscape in the country, particularly with regard to racial and religious concerns.

“Of course the polarisation worries us and that is why we made certain decisions. If we are not constantly aware of those issues, I can just make a lot of noise,” the Seremban MP said in an interview on the BFM Breakfast Grille today (June 15).

“Like why are we only given four minister positions? It is because at the back of my mind, we know there is polarisation in society and the polarisation is real.

“It is dangerous to the fabric of our country and that is why we take certain steps back to ensure this government can function.’

Loke said there is no other option apart from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as he is the best candidate to lead a multi-racial coalition.

If the Anwar-led unity government were to collapse one day, the only alternative party will be Perikatan Nasional (PN) which Loke said it is not an option for DAP.

“If today, this government does not work, if this government fails, what is the option? The option is you have a coalition which does not believe in multiculturalism.

“That is not an option for us, as far as DAP is concerned, so we have to make this government work because this government upholds the multiracial fabric of our society and country and the prime minister is committed to it.

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