Political patronage hinders efforts to combat online gambling – Saifuddin

Saifuddin Nasution further explained that the players are shielded by powerful figures, and in return, they repay their political masters.

(Sinar Daily) – Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail has revealed the presence of political patronage shielding online gambling operators in the country, posing a significant obstacle to the efforts of the Home Ministry, police, and the government in combating the growth of these activities.

Addressing the issue during the Minister’s Question Session at the Dewan Rakyat today, he highlighted the influence, protection, corruption, and bribery surrounding online gambling operators.

“It is evident that political patronage exists surrounding these players (online gambling operators).

“This is followed by the influence and protection they receive, as well as instances of corruption and bribery.

“The political will to combat these activities must be strengthened and renewed,” he said.

Saifuddin Nasution further explained that the players are shielded by powerful figures, and in return, they repay their political masters.

This protection prevents any action from being taken against them, and instances of leaked information worsen the situation.

Saifuddin made these remarks while addressing a question from Datuk R Ramanan (PH-Sungai Buloh) regarding the existence of political patronage protecting online gambling activities.

Saifuddin then emphasised the urgent need to amend the Common Gaming Houses Act 1953 and the Betting Act 1953 to prosecute online gambling operators effectively.

“As of today, in 2023, these two Acts have never been amended. I will discuss the matter with Tambun (Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) as it falls under the jurisdiction of the Finance Ministry,” he stated.

“In 1953, gambling activities mainly revolved around cockfights. However, nowadays, people engage in gambling through online platforms, yet we are still relying on the same Acts,” Saifuddin explained.

He further highlighted that if the police were to take action and bring a case to court, the online gambling operators would likely prevail since online gambling is not explicitly mentioned in the two Acts.

