Be careful what you wish for, RPK: New IGP may be hot on your heels

A NETIZEN commenting on a FocusM piece about fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) telling Prime Minister (PM) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to step down for excessive lying has perhaps the right proposal for in-coming Inspector General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Razarudin Husain.

“Of course, that’s what RPK wishes! Why doesn’t PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) reach out to their counterparts in England to catch him? He’s been living there very comfortably by operating a Malaysian restaurant in Manchester for so many years,” suggested Anjay Chandran.

Recall that former Dewan Negara president Tan Sri Rais Yatim has earlier ‘educated’ outgoing IGP and Razarudin’s predecessor Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani that he should focus on nabbing fugitive financier Low Tlow aek Jho @ Jho Low instead of getting the Interpol to locate controversial stand-up comedian Jocelyn Chia over her offensive MH370 skit.

In all fairness, getting the Interpol – or suffice Scotland Yard – to bring the now Perikatan Nasional (PN) mercenary to justice makes better sense for he has been spurting defamatory remarks, slanders and lies in his blog – both in the form of writing and visual (video clip). And RPK has obviously upped his tempo with the impending state polls slated early August.

To rub salt into the wound so to speak, he even claimed that it was Putrajaya which does not allow him to return to the country as he is seen as a threat to the national security.

In a 4:15 video clip recently, RPK revealed that negotiations had been made with the relevant authorities since 2013 to facilitate his return to Malaysia.

“The truth is that I tried to return (to Malaysia) many times. I met with Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi when Datuk Seri Najib Razak was the prime minister. I consulted with those close to Najib and two Cabinet ministers (including) Bukit Aman (police) several times,” he tweeted.

“Many say I’m a fugitive … but whatever charges (relating to Datin Seri) Rosmah (Mansor and) Najib, all of the cases were dropped and withdrawn. That’s why I’m free to enter the Malaysian embassies in many countries; there are no arrest warrants against me,” he further boasted on his short video clip.

RPK went on to claim that Zahid had helped him renew his passport despite not being able to return home.

“My passport is renewed, I asked Zahid for help and he contacted the Malaysian Immigration Department and they contacted the Malaysian embassy. They would send the officer to my house to renew my passport.

“This was the DPM’s order but they don’t want me back in Malaysia as they’re afraid that I would make a ‘roadshow’ around Malaysia. If I were to hold a ceramah, I can attract a crowd of 30,000.”

Recall that on Aug 12 last year, former Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director Datuk Seri Amar Singh lodged a police report against RPK in connection with the allegations that Amar’s girlfriend was present during a raid at the now incarcerated Najib’s home in May 2018 and took one of the bags seized.

The former top cop lodged the report at Dang Wangi police headquarters on Friday (Aug 12). “The case is being investigated under Section 500 for defamation and Section 233 of the Communication and Multimedia Act,” he noted.

In denying RPK’s claims made on his Malaysia Today portal, Amar further denied that he has migrated to Canada.

“I am still here in Malaysia and will be here in my country till I die. I can’t say the same for him. If one has done one’s duty with integrity, there is certainly nothing to worry about,” The Star quoted Amar as saying.

Amar also challenged RPK to return to Malaysia and present what he has. “RPK can only throw stones from afar and hide behind the skirts of extra-territorial immunity. Have the guts, come (back) to Malaysia and state what you have,” he added.
