PAS needs to explain policies to non-Malay community, says Gerakan leader

Gerakan is aware that policies in PAS-led states stand in the way of Perikatan Nasional gaining the support of non-Muslims, which is worsened by the perception created by the coalition’s rivals.

(FMT) – Gerakan deputy president Oh Tong Keong said this is especially the case in Penang, which has been led by DAP since 2008.

However, he said that even though PAS-governed states implemented Islamic principles, this does not mean that non-Muslims’ rights are denied.

“It needs to be explained to the non-Malay community why they should accept PAS, even more so when policies in states governed by the Islamic party concern non-Muslims.

“PN needs to ensure its campaign strategies safeguard the feelings of all communities,” he told FMT.

Oh, who is also the Penang Gerakan chief, did not go into specifics about PAS’ policies in Kelantan, Kedah and Terengganu that are cause for concern for the non-Malay community.

Oh’s statement came before the fiasco caused by Kota Bharu Municipal Council (MPKB) issuing a compound notice to a non-Muslim woman in Kelantan for wearing “indecent clothing”.

Yesterday, it was reported that a 35-year-old business owner was issued a compound notice by the council during a spot check at her shop for wearing a t-shirt and shorts in a public place.

MPKB president Rosnazli Amin was quoted as saying the woman committed an offence under Section 34(2)(b) of the Business and Industrial Trade By-Laws 2019, which states that non-Muslim business owners and their non-Muslim employees must wear “decent clothes”.

Oh said he remains confident that PN can gain support from non-Muslims and Malays in Penang by addressing local issues and highlighting Pakatan Harapan’s failure to fulfill its promises during its 15-year reign in the state.

“The people are disappointed due to the lack of solutions for issues such as traffic congestion, floods, inadequate clean water supply, and unaffordable housing. Perhaps we can garner support from those who have lost faith in DAP and PH,” he said.
