“The UMNO-DAP alliance only weakens both parties as they thrive on siege mentality”

Both parties may not be aware that their new-found friendship could eventually backfire on them.

(Focus Malaysia) – FUGITIVE blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) has cautioned UMNO and DAP against believing that their political influence will strengthen now that they have buried their decades-long hatchet.

Citing the notion of “siege mentality” as a major weapon in political warfare, the Perikatan Nasional (PN) “mercenary” reckoned that both parties may not be aware that their new-found friendship could eventually backfire on them.

“The alliance which makes DAP and UMNO no longer posing a threat to the Malay and Chinese communities respectively will only result in their need as a protector of the Malay and non-Malay communities dwindling,” predicted RPK in a recent 8-minute videoclip posted on YouTube.

“Ultimately, the friendship between UMNO and DAP will indirectly weaken their position instead of making them stronger.”

Earlier, RPK who is believed to be residing in Manchester, UK has contended that although “siege mentality” is all about perception, it is nevertheless a necessity to champion a community or to defend a country from being attacked or destroyed by its enemies.

“Therefore, UMNO was once strong for DAP was perceived as an enemy of the Malays, Islam and the Malay rulers … UMNO was relied upon to protect the Malay-Muslim interests from DAP’s agenda of Malaysian Malaysia, making Malaysia a republic or even the quest to promote a secular state,” observed RPK.

“On the other hand, DAP received strong support from the Chinese and Indian communities on concerns or perception that the Malays wanted to Islamise Malaysia, and non-Muslims will be deprived of their rights or even that the Malays were to be accorded special privileges as first-class citizens.”

Hence, RPK asserted that both UMNO and DAP had in the past complemented each other by remaining powerful in their own rights.

“This works very well with both the Malay and non-Malay communities having siege mentality and the need for a protector to defend them from their respective enemies,” he argued.

“When the non-Malays perceive that there was an enemy and they needed a party to defend them from the ensuing threat, they turned to DAP while the Malays upon perceiving the existence of an enemy would likewise support UMNO for this is not only politics but concerns security of the community.”

Now that both parties have accepted each other’s embrace, the threat element has gradually ceased to exist, thus rendering them to become somehow irrelevant.

