Leaked Penang DAP candidate list show end of Kit Siang era?

Veterans Phee Boon Poh, Chong Eng, P. Ramasamy allegedly left out

(The Vibes) – A leaked list of Penang DAP candidates for the state polls next month shows that it is curtains for party veterans here who began their political careers under founder Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang.

The list shows no seat allotted for veterans Phee Boon Poh, the Sg Puyu incumbent, nor Wanita DAP head Chong Eng, the Padang Lalang incumbent.

The average age of the new candidates line-up is now also brought down to 46.

Besides the two veterans, who had served their fifth and six terms respectively, three other distinguished leaders were also asked to make way.

They are three-term assemblymen and state executive councillors, P. Ramasamy, Yeoh Soon Hin and Soon Lip Chee.

Ramasamy is caretaker deputy chief minister II and Prai incumbent, Yeoh was the Paya Terubong assemblyman, and Soon, the Bagan Jermal incumbent.

Some first-term elected representatives are also not in the leaked list, among them Satees Muniandy (Bagan Dalam) and Chris Lee Chun Kit (Pulau Tikus).

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