‘I’ll expose more wrongdoings of govt, if they want to see me in handcuffs’ – Sanusi

He said Kedah has never faced a situation where all the exco lineup were called by MACC to have their statement recorded.

(Sinar Daily) – Caretaker Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor is determined to reveal more issues of abuse of power if the current government intends to see him arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

Sanusi, who is also a candidate to defend the Jeneri State Legislative Assembly seat claimed that the current government had used its power to put pressure on him and the Kedah state administration.

He said Kedah has never faced a situation where all the exco lineup were called by MACC to have their statement recorded.

He was referring to the issue on the investigation into the exploration of the rare earth elements (REE) and the construction of a race track in the state.

“The REE issue has undergone all the investigation processes needed, including the RM500,000 compound. It was under investigation before.

“The compound has been paid but they are still not satisfied and continue to make arrests because they deliberately want to give the impression that there is a wrongdoing and create the perception that the Kedah state government is not clean.

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