Anwar confirms he brought Indonesian businessman Riza to meet Kedah Sultan

The prime minister says his audience with Sultan of Kedah Sultan Sallehuddin Sultan Badlishah last year had nothing to do with rare earth element mining.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim today confirmed that he did have an audience with Sultan of Kedah Sultan Sallehuddin Sultan Badlishah, together with an Indonesian businessman, but clarified that it was just a courtesy call.

In fact, he said the courtesy call has nothing to do with the application for the businessman to run a rare earth element (REE) mining activity in Kedah, as alleged by Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor.

“The audience with the sultan has nothing to do with the REE issue. The Sultan wanted to see me because of other matters, including a visit to the Royal Mausoleum.

“What has been the issue is the theft of the REE and the illegal mining by a Chinese company, so don’t spin it,” he told reporters after opening the Malaysian Commercialisation Year Summit 2023 in Kuala Lumpur today.


