Kelantan villagers know how to dig their own wells, says Amar

Caretaker Kelantan deputy menteri besar Amar Nik Abdullah says they will send out water trucks and transport clean water to areas that need it.

(FMT) – Caretaker Kelantan deputy menteri besar Amar Nik Abdullah has downplayed the state’s water supply issue, saying “it is not a big deal” as villagers know how to dig their own wells.

“The villagers will think of their own solutions. They dig wells and get the water from underground.

“Not having tap water is not a big deal. They will figure it out themselves,” Amar was quoted as saying by China Press.

He said the Kelantan state government is not satisfied with the funds allocated by the federal government.

He added that the state government will send out water trucks and transport clean water to areas that need it.

“Water supply issues in some areas have already been resolved.

“We just didn’t promote the good news. I think that was our weakness,” Amar said, adding that the state government has never denied the existence of water supply issues in the state.

He also criticised Kelantan BN and DAP for constantly playing up the water supply issues in the state but failing to list it as a priority in their election manifestos.

Clean water supply continues to be an issue in Kelantan, with many wells being dug even in the state capital of Kota Bharu to obtain water for daily use.

Last month, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim announced a RM800 million allocation to help resolve Kelantan and Sabah’s water woes.

He acknowledged how residents in these two states did not have access to consistent and quality water supply, and reiterated that Putrajaya was committed to addressing these issues.

