‘It was a strategy gone wrong for Umno in Kelantan’

A strategy gone wrong, failure to provide convincing narratives and distrust towards Umno leaders – these were the main reasons for the party’s poor performance in Kelantan, say grassroots leaders here.

(The Star) – Despite a low voter turnout of 60.96% – which should have augured well for the state Opposition – Umno went from bad to worse in Kelantan.

It not only failed to wrest the state from PAS, but also lost six seats it previously held – Kok Lanas, Gual Ipoh, Bukit Bunga, Kuala Balah, Nenggiri and Paloh.

Umno only won in Galas.

The main gripe among grassroots leaders was the selection of candidates, which they said was a “turn-off”.

“The list sent by our chairman (Datuk Ahmad Jazlan Yaakub) consisted of strong candidates but why did the central leadership change them to weak ones?

“We cannot be strong if the central leadership doesn’t trust decisions made by the state. This is a strategy gone wrong and I blame the central leadership,” one branch committee member said.

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