Internet censorship continues as TikTok removes short news clip on Ambalat block

This is despite the one-and-a-half minute video making no attempt to side with any party on the issue.

(MalaysiaNow) – The government’s clampdown on online news content has continued with TikTok seen as the only social media platform that has been taking down clips viewed as unfavourable towards Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s administration.

In the latest such move, TikTok removed a video posted by MalaysiaNow, summarising an article on the Ambalat oil block off the coast of Sabah – the subject of a longstanding territorial tussle between Malaysia and Indonesia.

According to TikTok, the video was removed due to issues with “integrity and authenticity”. No other reasons were given.

The one-and-a-half minute video revolved around claims that Malaysia had surrendered the oil-rich waters to Indonesia, with a summary overview of the dispute.

MalaysiaNow is appealing against the removal.

The clip made no attempt to side with any party on the issue, and ended with footage of Deputy Foreign Minister Mohamad Alamin denying a claim by a Sabah assemblyman that Putrajaya had surrendered the Ambalat block to Jakarta.

The video is still accessible on other platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube (click here).

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