Syed Saddiq just angling for govt position, says Puad

Umno Supreme Council member Puad Zarkashi said he was disappointed that the Muda president had used the two-thirds majority to his advantage.

(FMT) – Muda president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman has been accused of using withdrawal of support for the ruling unity coalition as a ploy for him to claim a prominent position in Anwar Ibrahim’s government.

Umno Supreme Council member Puad Zarkashi said the prime minister should not give in.

Describing Syed Saddiq’s decision as dishonourable, Puad said it was disappointing to see the Muda president using the government’s borderline two-thirds parliamentary majority to his advantage.

“Syed Saddiq is still looking for a way for him to be ‘treated’ and given a position,” he told FMT.

Muda holds one seat in the 222-member Dewan Rakyat through Syed Saddiq, who is MP for Muar.

With Muda’s withdrawal of support, the unity government coalition of Pakatan Harapan, Barisan Nasional and East Malaysian parties commands a total of 147 seats, one seat short of a two-thirds majority.

The government bloc had regained its majority only yesterday when a PH candidate won the Pulai parliamentary seat in a by-election.

Puad said Syed Saddiq must vacate the Muar seat, and be brave enough to face the people in a by-election.

“Let the people punish him,” Puad said.

However, in announcing his party’s decision earlier today, Syed Saddiq said he would not vacate the seat because he had won it as a Muda candidate and not on a PH ticket.
