Azalina says government committed to separating powers of AG and public prosecutor

The unity government is committed to the separation of powers between the attorney general (AG) and the Public Prosecutor (PP) to ensure the integrity of the legal institutions, says the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform) Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said.

(MMO) – She also rapped the Opposition for not implementing the separation of powers between the AG and PP when they were in power before but constantly raising the issue of selective prosecution now.

“Why is it that when you (the opposition) were the government, you didn’t separate the powers of AG and PP? When one of you is prosecuted, you claim that it is a selective prosecution, but when one of us is prosecuted, you say it serves us right.

“The Madani government is committed to ensuring fairer governance. We walk the talk. They (the opposition), they don’t walk, they don’t talk,” she said when winding up the debate on the 12th Malaysia Plan Mid-Term Review (MTR) at the special Dewan Rakyat sitting today.

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