Is it true that Anwar and Zahid are embarking on “zero-sum game politics”?

(Focus Malaysia) – JUDGING by the political decisions made by the Anwar-Zahid combination as the two most powerful leaders in the country at this very moment, a PAS Youth leader has wondered if the duo is adhering to “zero-sum game politics”.

With zero-sum game being a political practice of knocking out the opponent, every single difference is regarded as a life and death battle, according to Terengganu PAS Youth’s information department’s working committee member Ahmad Fahmi Mokhtar.

“Opponents are considered enemies that need to be eliminated at all costs. Defeating the enemy is deemed as a duty. Being defeated by the enemy means a ruin. Winning or losing is everything,” he penned in a Facebook post.

“Such understanding will prompt them to do anything to achieve their goal which is the ultimate victory. Politics is no longer seen as a contest of ideas, policies or approaches but as life and death battle.

“In zero-sum game politics, the only thing left is to choose to be with me and you will be safe, otherwise you are doomed.”

According to Ahmad Fahmi, this is what can be observed at the moment with Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi being bestowed with various fortunes, including being appointed the Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) despite carrying a baggage of 47 cases of corruptions and has remained UMNO president with the intervention of a minister.

“And now Zahid has escaped from 47 prima facie charges … As for those who choose not to be with Anwar or to conform to his wishes, they are deemed to be on the side of the enemy who mustn’t be given face,” Ahmad Fahmi pointed out.

Regardless of the outcome, the PAS Youth leader stressed the need for the opposition to be accorded a check and balance role instead of being perceived as an enemy.


